Montag, 7. Februar 2011

Tamilogy & Etymology: Tamil roots in World languages - Gna. Devaneya PAvANar -1

akka, akkai அக்கை > அக்கா = n. Sister. Orig. mother ; Latin.acca (sister)                                          
ahku, akku அஃகு = v.i. To be sharp, acute; L. ac                                                           
akkuL அக்குள் = n. armpit ; L. axilla, Eng. axil; Ger. Achsel                                                           
akil அகில்  (the prefix agar in 'Agarpatthi' is a corruption of Akil) = n. eagle-wood ; L. agallocha, Greek. agallochon, Port. and Span.agila, agila, agal(-wood), eagle(-wood)                           
agai அகை = v.i. to drive, ugai>>agai ; L. ago, Gk. ago (to lead), Ice. aka (to drive)>>> agenda, agile E.
asakku அசக்கு = v.t. to shake ; Ice and Swed. skaka, Ang-Sax. scacan, sceacan, E. shake
asai அசை = v.I. To shake. Gk. Seio
anjal அஞ்சல் = n. 1. relay, 2. letter post ; Gk. Aggelos (messenger), L. angelus, E. angel (divine messenger)
adu அடு = v.t. To approach ; L. ad. (prefix.) >>> Adverb, Adjective, Advertisement
an அண் = n. 1. upper part 2. palate [lit. upper part of mouth] 3. superiority. aNNA அண்ணா, அண்ணம் = v.I. look upward. 2. to gape [lit. to show the palate] hold the head.
aNa அணா = v.I. To lift the head; aNAvu அணாவு = v.I. To go upward, ascend
aNar அணார்  = v.I. To move upwards >> n. side of the upper jaw. aNNam, n. palate. Annal, n. Superior person, God >> aNNan -  elder brother. Gk, ana (up), Old High Ger. ana, an, Gothic.ana, Anglo-Sax. An, on, Old, on, E. on, Netherland. aan
aththan அத்தன் = n. father; Goth. attan, L. atta, tata, Gk. Tetta
aththi அத்தி = n. mother; Goth. aithein
adhOL அதோள் = adv. There; Ang-Sax. thider, thyder, Old Eng. Thider, E. thither
appan அப்பன் = n. father ; F. abbe, E. abba, abbey (monastery), L., Ger. & Danish. Papa, Pappa, Gk. Pappa, E. papa> pop> poppa > pope, Gk. Papas (lit. Father of the Roman Catholic Church).
ammA, ammai அம்மை = n. mother; Old Sax.amma, Old High Ger. Amma (mother), G. Amme = Hebamme (a wet-nurse), E. amma (an abbess or spiritual mother), amah (wet-nurse), Ice. Amma (grand mother), Port.ama (nurse).Italian. and L. mamma, F. maman, E. mamma, mama (mother)
amar அமர் = v.t. To love; L.amo (to love), amor (love), Span. amigo; English derivatives: amateur, amative, amiable, amorous, amour, paramour etc.
arasu அரசு =  n. protection, government, kingdom, king, royalty, chiefness >> uram உரம் (strength) > uravu உரவு > uravOn உரவோன் (strong man, chieftain, king) uravu உரவு>aravu அரவு> arasu அரசு> arasan அரசன் (king) -- 'v ' sometimes changes into’s’ -- அரையன் araiyan >> (Kannada) rayan, (Telugu) rayalu, (Marathi.) rav, rao; Gk. archon, a ruler, one of the chief magistrates of Athens; archos, a leader; arkho, to rule; arkia, government = Gk. monarkhes , L. Monarcha, F. Monarque, E. Monarch (a sole ruler), E.arch. (prefix), chief :: L.rector, rex, regis (a king); rect, rego (to rule), Gael, and Irish. Righ (a king), F.roi, Eroy (a king) -- Ger. Regierung, Regime etc.
araththam அரத்தம் (due to the brahminic influence, the prefix 'a' has disappeared in modern Tamil) = n. 1. Blood: 2. Red colour ;Ang-Sax. read, OE. Read, E. red, ruddy, Scot. Reed, Dan. & Swed. rod, Ice. Rauthr, raudr, Netherland. rood, Ger. rot, Goth, rauds, Welsh. rhudd, Ir. And Gael, raadh, Lith. Rudas, L. rutilas, rufus, ruber. Gk. Erythros.
araL, அரள் = To be horrified, n. horror: L.horror (f.orreo, to tremble with fear), E. horror
arisi அரிசி = n. Rice;  Gk. oryza, L. oryza, It. Riso, F. riz., ris, E. rice, Ger. Reis
aruvu (aruvi) அருவு, அருவி =  v.I. To spring out and flow, as a water course ; Gk. rheo, rhue (to flow), rhes, rheama (stream), Swed. rhine (large open ditch), OE. Ryne, rine (stream), Ger.Rhein (a famous river)
allathu அல்லது = conj. Either, or lit. ‘that which is not’ ; Gk. alios (another), L. alias, E. alias. OHGer. Ali, eli; Goth, alis, AS. Elles (other, foreign); E. else.
alai அலை (அலைதல்) = v.I. To wander, a wave; Gk. ala-omai (to wander), ale (a wave).
avvai அவ்வை (according to linguist Ma.So.Victor, its the origin for the name Eve) = n. Grand mother; orig. mother, ammai > avvai; L.Avus (a grandfather), avia (a grand-mother), av-nculus (a maternal uncle). 
avavu அவவு (அவா) = v.t. To desire; ava, n. Desire; L.areo (to desire), avidus, E. Avid (eager,greedy).
al அ /அல் = n. Side. L.ala (a wing, side); E. ala. OF. Aisle, F. aile (a wing, an isle.); the ‘s’ does not properly belong to the word. E. aisle (the wing of a building).
aLam , அளம்  = n. Salt; L.alumen, E. alum (a mineral salt) >> aluminium, Alu-Folie Ger.
Aku ஆகு- v.I. To increase; L.angeo, auxi (to increase) E. augment. OT. Ankan, It. Auka, E. eke (to increase)
andu அண்டு = adv. There; Ang-Sax. geond, Goth, jaind, jaindre, E. yond, yonder. In the Primitive Teutonic language, g and ‘j represented the sound ‘y`
Arvu, Arvam ஆர்வு, ஆர்வம் = n. yearning; OE. giernam, E. yearn, Ger.begehren,
Ali, ஆலி = n. Hail; Ger., Netherl., Dan., and Swed. Hagel, It. hage, hail; Ang-Sax. Hagal, hagol, hagul, E. hail.
An , ஆன் = adv, and n. there, that place; OE. geon, E. yon (there), Ger. jener, ON. Enn.
Ana , ஆன = adj. That; Ang-Sax. geon, Goth, jains, G. jener (that), E. yon (that).
injivEr  இஞ்சிவேர் = n. Ginger; L.zingiber, Gk. Zingiberis, F. gingembre, OE.gingiber > E. ginger.
idasu இடசு = v.I. To dash; OE. dassche> dasche, E.dash, Dan.dske (to slap), Sw. daska (to beat).
idhA இதா = interject. Here!; Z.idha, Gk. Itha, ittai, Goth. Ith
idhu இது = n. This, idhi (Telugu.); (this or that person), Goth, hita (this)
idhO, இதோ  = interject. Lo!; E. Lo - ‘d’ sometimes changes into `l’ in the Aryan languages:: Cf. madhu – L. mel (honey).
Idai, இடை = n. Heath, an uncultivated field; AS. hoeth, M.E. Heth, E.heath, L.,Ger.,Netherl., and Fris. Heide, Goth, haithi, I.heithi, heithr, Dan. Hede, Swed. hed, Welsh.ecoed.
idhOL, இதோள் = adv. Here; Ang-Sax. hider, hither, E.hither, Goth, hidre, Sankrit. Hethra.
iy இய் = v.I (obs), To go; iy-e-eku (to go):: Uy (to go) > iy > iyavu (proceeding, way); Gk. ei-mi, I-men, L. e-oi-mus Lith. Ei-mi (I go), Slav, I-ti (to go), Goth, iddja (I went), L.ire (to go), OE. Irnam (to run).
iru  இரு = v.I To be, to be seated; Ang-Sax. earon, aron, arn (we are), I. erum (we are), eru (they are); E. are, Goth, is, L. es, Gk. Es, E. is- ‘are’ is a northern or Scandinavian form and ‘is’ a Southern form, of one and the same the word.
irumbu இரும்பு = n.Iron; lit. black metal; Ang-Sax. iren, E. iron, Irish. Iaran, Netherl. iern, Bret, houarn, Old Ger. Er, Welsh. haiarn, Armen. Houarn, Dan. & Swed. jern, Ice. Jam (contr. f. older ‘isarn’), OHGer. Isarn, Mod.Ger. Eisen, L.oeris.
il இல் = n. House, chamber; Ang-Sax. inn, inne (a chamber, a house, an inn), I. inni (a house), E. inn.
in இன் = part. In; OE.,OS., OHGer., and Goth, in, Swed. and Dan. I, L. in, Gk. en.
ilakku இலக்கு= n. Appointed or fixed place; L. locus (a place)
ilavu இலவு (இலவம்பஞ்சு)= n. Silk-cotton, lit. that which is very light; L.levis (light).
iravu இரவு= v.I. To be greedy; L.avarus (greedy), avartia (greed) E. avarice
iLakku,  இளக்கு = v.t. To relax, to loosen, to slacken; L.laxus, E. lax.
in இன் = v.t. To bring forth; Ang-Sax. eanian, E. yean, ean.
ukir உகிர் = n. Finger or toe nail, talon, claw; L.unguis, L. ungual (adj.)
uthaL உதள் = n. A ram; Ang-Sax. weather (a ram), a word common to all Teutonic languages, E. weather.
umpar, உம்பர் = adv. Above; Ang-Sax. up, upp, uppe; E. upper, over; I. upp, uppi; Swed. up, upp; Goth. jup, OHGer. Uf, Mod.Ger. auf, über, Gk. Ufar, L. super-E. Sur, Gk. Hyper.
uraRu , உரறு = v.I, To roar; LGer. raren, Ger.röhren, OE. Rarian, E. roar, Netherl.reeren
urasu, urAy >urinju> urai, உரசு, உராய் = v.t to rub; L.frio, fricare (to rub),E. friction
uru, உரு = v.I. To burn ; L.uro (burn)
urudai உருளை > உருடை = n. A roller, uruj-urujai-urudai-rodai (vc.) a roller; L.rota, W. rhod, Ger. Rad (a wheel), E. rota (a roll)
uruththiram உருத்தம் > உருத்திரம் = v.n. Anger, to get angry; OE: wreadh dhu, E. wrath, wroth.
urum , theRu, theRum (therm) உரும், தெறு, தெறும் =  n. Heat ; Ger. & Netherl. warm, Irish. warmr, Dan.& Swed. varm, Goth.varms, varm, Ang-Sax.wearm, E. warm, OL. Formus, Gk. Thermos, P. garm
uruL, உருள் = v.I. To roll; Netherl & Ger. rollen, Swed. rulla, Ir. Rolaim, Welsh. rholian, Armen. Rolla, OF. Roeler, E. roll, whirl (to turn round or cause to revolve), whorly
urai, உரை = v.t. To speak, tell ; L.orare (to speak), E.oral, adj, S. H.oris. Mouth :: Cf. Telugu. noru, the mouth. >> Orator, oratory
uRu, உறு = adj. Much great; E. very (to a great extent)  
Usal, ஊசல் = n. Swing >> UsalAdu = To move to and fro, as a swing;  L. oscillo, E.oscillate
ULai,ஊளை  =n. Howl; LGer. hulen, G. heulen, Netherl. hailen, Dan. hyle, E.howl, L. ululuo, Gk. Ololyzo.
EdhOL எதோள் = adv. Where; Ang-Sax. hwyder, hwider, OE. Whider, E. whither.
ey எய் = v.t. To shoot, as an arrow, n. an arrow ; Gk. hio (to shoot), ios (an arrow) 
el எல்  = n. Sun; Gk. helios (the sun); Helium, Hellene etc.
ella, ella, எல்லா, ஏலா > ஏலே = intject. A form of addressing lovers and friends ; E. haloo, hallow, ME. Halowen, OF. Halloer, Ger.Hallo!, F.halle, E. holla, halle, hollow, holloo
ellAm எல்லாம் = all; Ang-Sax.eal, eall, al; ME. al, alle; E. al, all; Ice. Allr, Goth, alls, Ger. alle, all (common to all the Teutonic languages), Irish. aile
evvu> embu எவ்வு > எம்பு = v.I. To rise ;Ang-Sax. hebban, hefian, Goth, haffan, OF. Hera, E.heave,Netherl.heffen,heven, hefia (to lift, to raise) >> Ang.Sax. heofon, hefon (heaven); Old Sax. Hevan, E.heaven, L.Ger. heben 
Er, ஏர் - n. Plough; L.aro (to plough), Gk. Aroo, O.Fris. Era, Ang-Sax. erian (to plough), E. even, ear, Irish. Arain (I plough), Ice. Eria, erja; Goth, erjan, Ger.Ähre, eren; OHGer. Aran, erran, Lith. Arti, Irish.& Welsh. ar (tillage), Welsh. aru (to plough), E. earable (fit for ploughing), earth (that which is ploughed), ME.erthe, Ang-Sax. eorde, Netherl. aarde (Aardvark), Ice. Jord, Dan. & Swed. jord, Goth. airthe, Ger. Erde (earth).
Er², ஏர் ² = v.I. To rise above; Gk.aeiro (To rasie up), aer (the air), Oss. Arw (heaven), L.aer, F. air, Provencal. Air, aire, E. air
Ela (ElavE, ஏலவே) = adv. Early >> ErAn (ஏரான்) - First student to be present at school
071. air, AS. And OE. Oer, ar. D.eer, G.eher, Goth, air (before, earlier), E. ere, ear—early.
Ottu, ஒத்து = n. Oath. As. ad, ME. Oth, ooth, E. oath, D.ced, Ice. Eida, Dan. And Sw. ed, Goth, aiths, Ger.Eid, OHGer. Eit.
Onnu, oNNu, onRu  ஒன்று = n. One; L.unus, AS. An, OF. One, oon, E. one, Arm. Unan, W. un, Swed. en, Ger. ein-eine, Goth. ains, Gael.aon, an
Oram , ஓரம் = n. Border; L.ora
Orai, ஓரை = n. Hora , E. hour , horoscope

Courtesy : Devaneyam, Primary Classical language of the World

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