kattil, கட்டில் -= n. E.Cot; Sax. Cot, E. cot; E. “kartel = n. Wooden lead in S. African ox-wagon (S.Afr. Dutch., prole, Port. Catal f. Tamil kattil, bedstead.”—COD.
kAN காண்- v.t. To see, find, know:: Katci, காட்சி: v.n. Sight, knowledge, wisdom; E. con>cons>conne>can>ken (to know),Ang-Sax. cunnan, Ice. Kunna, Goth, kunuam, (to know), E. cunning (knowledge), OE. & Scandi. Ken, Ice. Kenna, Netherl. & Ger. kennen, E. ken (to know), E. koned, knew,
Ang-Sax. cnawan. OHGer. Cnaa, Ice. Kna, E.know, L.gno, Gk.gno.
kandu (கற்கண்டு)= n. Sugarcandy; F. and It.Candi, E.candy.
kappal கப்பல் = n. Ship;L.Scapha, Gk. Skaphe, Ang-Sax.scip>scyp, LGer. Schipp, Netherl.schip, Ice. & Goth, skip, Dan. Skich, F.esquiry, O.Ger. Scif, Ger.Schiff, E.skiff >ship (Tamilogist Prof.Ku. Arasendran has written more on it in his book 'Ulagam paraviya Thamizhin Ver')
kara, karavu கரவு = v.t. To conceal; Gk. krypto, E. Crypt (Cryptex, Cryptology)
kari கரி= v.i. To be charred. E. Char.
karuvi கருவி= n. Group, multitude, aggregate; It. gruppo, F. Groupe, E.group, Ice. Croppr, AS. Crop, E. graf, grove (group of trees).
karai -கரை, கரைதல் = v.I. To crow; Ang-Sax. craw, crawe (a crow), crawan (to crow). Ger. Krähe (a crow), krähen (to crow), E. crow.
karai² கரை = v.I. To cry; Ger. schreien, Netherl. schrey, W. criaw, Ang-Sax. groetan, Scandi. Greet, E. cry
karai³ ,கரை = n. Limit; Gk. horos
kal,கல் = n. Stone; L.calculus (a little stone), E. calculus (small stone used in reckoning on abacus), L. calculus, E. calculate.
kalam, கலம் = n. Vessel, ship, boat, L.and It. Galea, OF. Galie, E. galley; Kalavam- n. Boat.L.carabus, Gk. Karahos (a lightship, a boat), Sp. And It. Caravela (dim. Of carabus), E. caravel, carvel.
kavar கவர்= v.t. To desire, E. coret, f. OF. Coroiter, Pro. Cobeitar, It. Cubitare, f. L. cupidus (desirous) cupio (to desire).
kavavu, கவவு = v.t. To contain, L.capio (to take) (contain), habco (to have); AS. Habban, haebban, bafian, Dan. Have, Ice. Hafa, Goth, haban, G. haben, D. hebben, Sw. hafra, E. have (to possess, to hold, to contain)
kazhuvu கழுவு= v.t.To wash. Gk. Khuzo.
kaLavan, kadappa, களவன், கடப்பன் = n. Crab having dark spots, Ang-Sax.crabha, Ger. krable>krabbeln, Krabbe, Nederl. crab, Ice. Krabbi, Swed. krabba, Gk. Karabos, French.& E. crak.
kaL கள் = v.t. To steal, kaLavu - u.n. Theft. L. elepo (to steal), Gk. Klapeis, kleptes (thief),L.celo (to hide): E. Conceal,L.clam (secretly)> clandestinus >E.Clandestine
kaLam களம் = n. Neck: L.collum (neck), gula (throat). E. gullet, f. OF. Dim. of L. gula, gole.
kali கலி = n. Mirth; Ang-Sax. gleo, Old Eng. Gliw, gles >> E. glee, Ice. Gly.
kaLi maN களிமண்= n. Clay; G. klei, D. kli, Dan. Kloeg, E. clay.
kaLai களை= n. Beauty; Gk, kalos,kallos, E. calligraphy = beautiful handwriting; E.calfethenic = suitable for producing strength with beauty.
kaRangu கறங்கு = v.t. To ring; Ang-Sax. hringan, Dan. Ringe, Swed. ringa, Ice. Hruigja, Old Dutch.ringhen, E.ring.
kaRangu ² >> kiRangku, kiRukiRu கிறுகிறு - v.I. To gyrate, rotate; Ang-Sax. & Old High Ger. hring, Ice. Hringr, Prov. Ger. krtnk, Kring, Kringel (ring, circle), E. ring. Ice. Knight (round), Sw. kriifg (about round), Netherl. kringel, krinkel, (crooked), L. gyrate, gyre (whirl) Ck. Guros (ring.), kurtos (curved), E. cringle (and iron ring), Gk. Gyre, gyrate (to revolve, rotate).
kari, கறி = n. Curry. P.khurdi, E.curry.
kari², கறி = n. Flesh, meat. L.caro (flesh), Gk. Kreas (meat, flesh).
kanai, கனை = v.I. To neigh; Ang-Sax. hnoegan, Old E. hnaegan, MHGer. negen >> E. neigh. Ice. Gneggja, Swed. gnagga, L.hinnio.
kAsu, காசு = n. Cash, coin, kazh-காழ் (seed, pearl, gem used as coin)>> kasu; E. cash.
kAnthu , காந்து = v.I. To burn, shine kandi, light. L. candere (to shine). L. candela—E. Candle.
kAmam, காமம் = n. Love, marriage. Gk. Gamos (marriage): E. monogamy, polygamy, etc.
kAy காய் = v.I. To burn, to be heated. Gk. Kaio (to burn); E. caustic, cauterize, etc. (derivatives)
kAyam காயம் = n. Sky, lit. that which is black >> Akash (kaayam > kasam > kas > kash), 'A' is a Sanskrit prefix - ON. sky (cloud), Old E.Sceo, E. sky.
kAl, கால் > காற்று = [Telungu. Gall] Wind. Gael. And. Ir. Gal, E. gale, Ice. Gola, giola.
kAl ² = n. Leg. Gk. skelos.
kAl ³ = n. Stalk of a leave or plant.Gk. kanlos. L. canlis.
kAl ⁴ = n. Pillar L. Columna, OF. Colompne, E. Column
kAy, காய் = v.I. To become callous, as skin; kAyppu > v.n.Scar, L.callus, callum, f. calico (to be hard thick-skinned).E.callose (having hard spots), callus, callosity (The state of being hardened, any hardened part on the surface of the animal body), L. callidus (expert), f. callum (hardened skin), E. callid. E: callous (hard-skinned, hard-hearted).
kALam, kaLam காளம் = n. Blackness.L.caligo(to be dark). The word Cola in Coka cola has the same meaning
kizham , கிழம் = n. Old age, Gk. géras (old age), gëraios, geraios, geron (old).
kizhi , கிழி = v.t. To tear, Split; L.cleave, Ang-Sax. Cleofan, E. cleave, Netherl.cloven, Ice, kljufa, Dan. Clove, Gk. Klaô.
kiLar, கிளர் = v.I. To shine; ME., MD. And MLGer. Glare, E. glare >> glass
kiLar² = v.I. To be exhilarated; L.hilaro, f. hilaris (cheerful).E.hilarate, exhilarate.
kirukku, கிறுக்கு = n. Lunacy, kirukkan, n. Lunatic; E. crack, craze.
kutti, குட்டி = n. Young of animal, child ; ME. kide > E.kid, kiddy, Ice.kid, kidh, Dan. And Sw. kid,Ger.Kitz, Kitze, ON. Kidh.
kudi, குடி = n. A house, family; Ang-Sax, cote, cyte, North, catt. Ice.& Netherl.kot, Ger. Kot, Koth, Kote, E.cot.
kudigai-kudisai, குடிசை = n. A cottage; E. cottage >> kudil குடில் - n. A hut ,Netherl.hut, Ger.hatta, Hütte, E.hut, Dan. Hytte, Sw. hydda
kuduvai, kudukkai, குடுவை = A cask.E. cask. Cf.Sp.casco (skull, helmet), F.casque (helmet).
kuththu, kundhu குத்தவைத்தல், குந்து, குத்து = v.I. To squat ; E.quat, squat, It. Quattire, quattare. OF. Quatir.
kutharu, குதறு = v.t. To scratch up and scatter, as fowls; Ang-Sax. scateram, E.scatter, Gk.sked-aiss.
kuppal, kuppai, குப்பை = n.A heap, dung-hill; Ang-Sax.heap, E.heap, Netherl.hoop, Dan.hole, Ice. Hopr. Ger.Haufen, OGer. Houf, Gk. Kopros(dung,dirt).
kummal, கும்மல் = v.n. A heap, f. kum, கும், கும்மு to gather, to heap up. L.cumulus(a heap), cumulo(to heap up), E. cumulate.
kuragu, குரகு = v.I. To bend; AngSax. cringan, crincan, E.cringe, crinkle, crank, Neth.krinkel, Welsh.crom(bent).
kurappam, குரப்பம் = n. Currycomb; OE. scrapen, E.scrape, ON.scrapa.
kural, குரல் = n. Throat; Dan. Kro, Netherl.kraag, Ger.Kragen, E.craw, AS. Hracca, Sc.craig, E.crag.
D.crop, Ger.Kropf. E. crop (the craw, the first stomach of a fowl.) OE. Crop, LGer. & Neth. krop, OHGer. Chropf (bird’s crop).
kural² = n. A bunch, ear of corn; AngSax. crop, E. crop, Ice. Kroppr.
kuravai, குரவை = n. A dance in a ring; Gk. choros, L. and E. chorus. In the Greek drama, originally, a company by dancers dancing in a ring accompanied by their own singing or that of others, was called choros.‘Chorus’ now means, a composition generally in four parts sung by many voices, ‘choir’ (E.), written also ‘quire’, from OF. Choeur (L. chorus, Gk. Choros) means, a collection of singers or a band of dancers.
kurisil, குரு, குரிசில் = n. Lord; Gk. kyrios, kurios >> curator, curatorium E.
kuru, குரு = n. Colour; Gk. chroma, E. chrome.
kuru ² = n. Redness; adj. Red; Cf. E. coral, OFr. Coral, L. Corrallum, Ger. Korrallion (red coral).
kuru ³= n. Heaviness; adj. Heavy; Goth, kaurs (heavy), L. gravis, E. grave.
kurugu, குருகு = n. Wading bird (esp. gander), lit. that whose neck is bent; AngSax. cran, E. crane, Neth. craan, Ger. Krahn, Ice. Trani, Dan. Trane, Welsh. garan, Gk. Geranos, L.grus, a migratory grallatorial or wading bird of the genus Grus. Family Gruidae.
kurugu ² = n. Bangle; Gk.guros (ring) W. cwrwgl, E. coracle (a round boat), W. cwrwg (anything round).
kurudhi, குருதி = n. Blood, lit. that which is red; AngSax. gor, Ice.& Dan. Gor, Sw. gorr, E. cro, Gael, and Iri. Cro.
kuruL, குருள் , குருளை = v.I. To curl; E. curl (formerly written ‘crull’), Netherl.krullen, Dan. Krolle, E. scroll, scrowl. Kurulai, n. Young of animal. E.girl. “The word was formerly applied to the young of both sexes, and it appears to be connected with L.Ger. Gor, gore, a child; swiss. Gurre, gurrli, depreciatory term for girl.” - I.D. Cf. kutti (T.) a depreciatory term for girl.
kulam, kulan, குலம் = n. Family, tribe, caste, community; Gael, and Ir. Clann, E. clan.
kuzhavu, குலவு = v.I. To bend; L.curvo (to bend), E. curve, Gk. Clino, kloo.
kuvai, குவை = n. Cave, kugai-kuvai; L.cavus, F. and E. cave. Kuli, n. Hole. AngSax. gol, E. hole, Neth. hoi, Ice. Hola, hoi, Ger. hohl, Höhle, Ang-Sax. holg, E. hollow, Gk. Koilos.
kulir, குளிர் = v.I. To be cold, cool, n. cold, chill; Ang-Sax. col. E. cool, Ice. Kul, D. koel, Dan. Kol, Ger. kühl.
kuRu, குறு =v.I. To be short, kuRutha, adj. Short; Pers. chord, L. curtus, E. curt, short, Ger. kurz.
koo, kuvu, கூ, கூவு = v.I.To coo,E.coo, cooce, cooey.
kierppu, கீர்ப்பு, கூர்ப்பு - v.n. Sharpness; OE.scearp, D.scherp, E.sharp, Ger.scharf.
kekkali, கெக்கெலி = v.I.To cachinnate; L.cachinno, E.cachinnate.
keL கேள்= v.t. To hear, to listen, to obey: Gk. cluo, W.clyw, Ir. Cluas, Lith. Klan, L.cluere.
kai, கை = n. Hand; Gk. kheir (E.chirography, chiromancy etc.); Chirugie Ger.
kottai, kottan, கொட்டை (கொட்டைப் பஞ்சு, கொட்டைப்பருத்தி ancient usage for cotton)= n. Cotton; Sp.and F.coton, E.cotton.
Koththi(Kannada.)கொத்தி= Cat; AngSax. And E.cat, L.catta, Neth. and Dan. Kat, Ice, kottr, Sw. katt, Ger. Kuter, Katze, L.catus, Welsh.cath, Ir. And Gael, cat, Russ. Kot, koshta.
kol, கொல் = v.t. To kill; AngSax. cwellan, OE. Quallen, D.kwellen, Ice. Kvelja, E.kill. Russ. Ko!yn(to stab), E. quell, Ger. quälen, Qual
konai,கொனை= n.Tip, sharp end; Gk. konos, L.conus, F.and E. cone, (a solid figure with circular base, tapering to a point).
kO,கோ = n.Cow; AngSax. cu, E.cow, D.and Dan. Koe, Ger.Kuh, Ice. ku.
kOnam, கோணம் = n. Anything curved, an angle; Gk. gonia, E. pentagon, polygon, etc.
kOzhi, கோழி = n. Domestic fowl.P. khoros (a cock), Russ. Kur (a cock), L. gallus (a cock), gallina (a hen).
sikkan, n. A small boy. Sirukkan சிறுக்கன் -sikkan, sikka, adv. Concisely, cikka (K.) small, younger.
Ang-Sax.cicen, cycen, E.chicken, chick, LG. Kiken, Küken > Kücken
sittu, சிட்டு = n. A small variety of sparrow, anything small. E. chit, young child, young woman, cub, kitten.
sitharu, சிதறு = v.t. To scatter.AngSax. streowian, E.strew, Ger.streuen, Goth.straujan, L.sternere, D.stroijen, Gk. Storennuni.
sinthu, சிந்து = v.t. To spill, D.shed; AngSax. sceddan, E. shed, Ger.schütten, LGer. schüdden.
simai, சிமை= n. summit; E.summit, F.sommet, dim. Of OF. Som(a summit), f. L.summum (highest part).
E. summit, Sp.cima (mountain-top).E.sum, OF. Sume, some, Mod. F.somme, f. L.summa (a sum), fem. Of summus (highest).
sivu, சிவு = v.t. To chip; E.chip, O Dutch.kippen, O.Sw.kippa.
suL, சுள் = v.t.To burn; P.susan, kurd, sodjan, Oss.sudsin.
sukku, sukkal, சுக்கு, சுக்கல் = n. Anything dried; L.sicco (to dry), siccus (dry).
suNakkam சுணக்கம் = N. slackness; AngSax. sloec, E.slack, OD. & LGer. Slakk, Ice. Slakr, Sw. slak, MHGer. Slach.
Courtesy : Devaneyam
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